
  • Rev. Jack Lovelace

    Senior Pastor


  • Mark Haines

    Executive Pastor


  • Cindy McCulloch

    Business Manager


  • Kerri Scroggins

    Children's director


  • Anna Adams

    Youth Director


  • Viljar Weimann

    Music Director


  • Hector Jordan


  • Leslie Caudle

    Office Assistant



Church Leadership

Report of the Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development Decatur Methodist Church

Administrative Board/Church Council
Administrative Board/Church Council Chairperson - Terry Taylor
Administrative Board/Church Council Vice-Chairperson - Richard Gregory
Recording Secretary - Maryanne Dunnivant
Membership Secretary - Ashley Collins
Church Treasurer - David Scott

2023 Chairs
Staff-Parish Relations Committee - Charlotte Gregory
Trustees Chair - John Underwood
Finance Committee - Ronnie Dukes
Evangelism - Candi Ivy
Missions - Shelia Davis
Worship - Patricia Pike

Discipleship - Joe Hollenbeck
Congregational Care - *Beth Adams and Barbara Ashwander
Communications - Ashley Collins
Youth Co-Chairs (1 Vote) - Peyton & Mary Ella Littrell
Children Co-Chairs (1 vote) - Carrie Hart and Jennie-Marie McMasters
Archives - John Alderman

Prayer - Sylvia Brazelton

Kitchen - Robin Limbaugh

Members at Large

Class of 2024
​Tim McCollum, Julia Agnew, Bill Brazelton, Allen Self, Hoyt Condra, Bill Finley
Class of 2025
Ken House, John Pylant, Terry Taylor, Charles Ashwander, Wendy Smith, Richard Gregory
Class of 2026
Vicki Dukes, Sarah Catlett, Kirk Sanders, Susan Bedsole, Bert Pippen, Larry Byrd

Administrative Committees

Board of Trustees (also serves as Board of Directors)
Chair:  (Elects its officers yearly) and member to serve on Finance**
Pastor a member without vote or calculation of Quorum

Class of 2024
Richard Bedsole, John Underwood, Patricia Pike

Class of 2025
John Adams**, Ashley Collins, Steve Haddock

Class of 2026

Andrew Hart, Meg Pettey, Stan Davis

Staff Parish Relations Committee
​Chair: Charlotte Gregory and position serves on Finance; Admin Board and Nominations

Class of 2024
Charlotte Gregory, Kathy Littrell, John Underwood
Class 2025
Brooks Coley, John Collins, Dale Howard
Class of 2026
David Woodard, Haley Kuhlman, Rick Pettey

Lay Leader: n/a
Lay Member Annual Conference: TBD
​Only one person from immediate family residing in same household may serve

Nominations and Leadership Development
​Chair: Lead Pastor and Chair of SPRC a member

Class of 2024
Allen Self, Maryanne Dunnivant, Will Woller

Class of 2025
Robin Limbaugh, Becky House, Richard Gregory

Class of 2026

Kyle Pike, Jerry Thrasher, Peggy Black

Lay Leader: n/a
​Lay Member Annual Conference: n/a

Finance Committee
Chair - Ronnie Dukes
Administrative Board Chairman - Terry Taylor

SPRC Chair - Charlotte Gregory
Board of Trustees elects Trustee to serve - John Adams
Church Treasurer - David Scott

Class of 2024
Mike Vickery, Jennifer Self, Jeff Layton

Class of 2025
Carlton McMasters, Karen Tidwell, Mike Limbaugh

Class of 2026

Danny Beggs, Larry Sturges, Susan Conner

Staff Members: Pastor, Finance Staff (Paid employees who serve have no vote) Financial Secretary and Treasure positions may not be combined.

Ministry Teams

Chairs of Ministry Teams set by Nominations Committee
Team members filled in consultation with chair

Missions: Chair, Shelia Davis

Staff: Jack Lovelace
Jan Dean, Richard Gregory, Barbara Ashwander, Missy Nichols, Kathy Littrell, Jess Lovelace, Jerry Thrasher, Bruce Pylant, Jeron Witt

Worship: Co-Chairs, Patricia Pike and Patti Stutts

Staff: Jack Lovelace and Mark Haines
Altar Guild - Stacy Layton, Patti Stutts
Communion Stewards - Jan Howell
Usher Lead - John Ivy
Scripture Readers - Kathy Littrell
Flower Guild - Stefanie Underwood
Sound/AV - John Collins
Acolytes - Becky House

Ushers - John Ivy and Andrew Hart

Choir Rep - Maryanne Dunnivant

At Large Members - Barbara Ashwander, Jan Dean

Non-Voting Ex Officio: Prayer Ministry Chair, Sylvia Brazelton

Congregational Care: Co-Chairs, Beth Adams and Barbara Ashwander
Family Life: Jess Lovelace

Good S.A.M - Peggy Black and Maryanne Dunnivant

Shepherding (New Member Assimilation) - Lisa Earley

Care of Members Afar - Patti Stutts and Tara Stone

Funerals - Becky House and Weety Vickery

Fellowship Meals - Wim Marchant
At-Large Members - Gail Callahan, Jan Dean, Battle Hamilton

Communications: Chair, Ashley Collins
Staff: Jack Lovelace

Evangelism: Chair, Candi Ivy

Staff - Jack Lovelace

Greeters - Tracie Hales and Lynn Temple

Community Outreach - Tim McCollum

Guest Follow-Up - Candi Ivy

At-Large Members - Wallace Roby, Debbie Duncan, Kyle Pike, Jami Buckner

Communications Chair (Ex Officio) Ashley Collins

Discipleship: Chair, Joe Hollenbeck

Staff - Mark Haines

Senior Adults - Mark Haines

Men's Ministry - Richard Gregory

Women's Ministry - Peggy Black

Sunday School - Ken Chandler

At-Large Members - Peggy Collins, Joe & Tessa Hollenbeck, Abby Collins, Susan Jones, George Brown, Joe & Savannah Sanders

Youth: Co-Chairs - Peyton and Mary Ella Littrell

Staff: Anna Adams
Scott Bryant, Ashley Ashwander, Keith Layton, Joe Botto, Andrew Hart, Carlton McMasters, Kyle Pike, Ginny Pylant, Kathryn Scott, Bill Collins

Children: Co-Chairs - Jennie-Marie McMasters and Carrie Hart

Staff - Kerri Scroggins
Julia Agnew, Julia Young, Apryl Botto, Becky House, Paula Woodard, Christy Sanders, Stephanie Gantt, Anna Kathryn Layton, Amanda Scott, Jenny Roby

Prayer: Chair, Sylvia Brazelton

Staff - Jack Lovelace

At-Large Members

Jackie Guice, Glenda Sartain, Peggy Collins, Peggy Matthews, Charles & Sonja Langham, Ingrid Rebman

Kitchen: Chair, Robin Limbaugh

Staff - Mark Haines

At-Large Members

Beth Adams, Jim Ridgeway, Jody Witt, Stacey Layton, Patti Stutts

Fellowship Meals (Ex Officio) Wim Marchant

Finance (Ex Officio) Jason Coley

Trustees (Ex Officio) Richard Bedsole