Women's Bible Study

Sundays at 5:00PM in the Blanche Jones Room #207

DMC is excited to offer an evening Women’s Bible Study option beginning on Sunday, January 7, at 5:00 pm. Over the course of 2024, we will complete both of Jen Wilkin’s 10-week studies on the book of Genesis as well as her highly anticipated new study on the book of Revelation. Please contact Peggy Collins (256-616-9435) or Patricia Pike (256-345-1259) for more information.

If you want to participate, please email Peggy at peggy0920@att.net to sign up.

Tuesdays at 10:00AM in the Blanch Jones Room #207

The Women’s Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, January 9. We will be starting a new study book, Be Joyful, A Study of Philippians by Warren Wiersbe. We invite all ladies whether you are a member or not to join us as we learn together, pray together and grow closer to Jesus and each other. If you need a book, text Peggy Black at 256-616-5373.