Wednesday Night Dinner at 5:00pm

Come eat dinner and fellowship with your church family in the fellowship hall. 


Adult, $8

Child, $5

Max Family, $30

Children, Youth and Adult Classes at 5:45pm


Children & Youth Programs

Adult Classes (see details below)

Wednesday Night Classes

Are you a true follower of Jesus, or just an enthusiastic admirer? Jesus called his disciples to leave their jobs, abandon their families, forfeit their wealth, deny themselves, and take up their cross to follow him. Pastor Kyle Idleman challenges Christians to stop cheering for Jesus and get in the game—to pursue an intimate, fully-committed relationship with Jesus with everything we have.

Join pastor Jack Lovelace in our parlor at 6:00PM on Wednesday evenings beginning on January 10 for a weekly review of Kyle Idleman’s Not A Fan.



Martin Luther (1483-1546) is the founding figure of the Protestant Reformation, the decisive break from the medieval Catholic church, which in many ways, marks the beginning of modern Europe.

Join Mark Haines in the Blanch Jones room at 6:00PM on Wednesday evenings beginning on January 10 for a look at how Martin Luther read the Bible and its impact on the multi-denominational church we know today.



The Bible isn't meant to be left unquestioned; it's meant to be opened and read and questioned. And everyone has questions about the Bible--from the senior pastor of the big church down the road to the guest at the hotel off the interstate. Where did it come from? Who wrote it? Why are people so inspired by it (or fearful of it)? What does it have to do with my life? Hal Seed takes you on a tour into and behind the Bible, so that you get to know it and the God who makes himself known in it.

Join Steve Brown in room 209 at 6:00PM on Wednesday evenings beginning on January 10 for a weekly review of Hal Seed’s The Bible Questions: Shedding Light on the World’s Most Important Book.